Designing with black and white color is implementing two basic colors. Many interior designers have used these colors with fabulous results. It is not merely a contrast color that has whole different character. White as purity and saintness, black as a symbol of calmity and sometimes; darkness.

Black and white interior designs often create fashionable and elegant design. Mixing both colors can be a fascinating mix of modern colors, because somehow these colors often represent emptiness and containess, like yin and yang.

White may give impression of clean and comfortable, while black will give an elegant impression. Both colors may be framing each other in a cool way.

Fusing black and white, we should consider some aspects, and sometimes blending the two colors can be bad if it is not planned from beginning. Black is one of the most difficult color to be placed inside interior design, unless if you are designing a cafe or bar, of course. Black can also hide details of the design.

Best way to do black and white interior design is not to use too many colors, because it may make our eyes a bit confused. A few other colors may be added as accent to the black and white colors, such as red, green, or creme.

(photo by Tammy Manet)


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