When entering a room with wood flooring, we might be feeling 'warm'. Wood flooring will indeed easily create warm feeling, with its color and touch. Nowadays, this material may bring similar feeling of wood for flooring.
We can not deny that wood has the pamour as 'warmer' inside a room. Unhappily, this material gets more difficult to find every day, the price also gets very high because it gets rare. As a solution, other materials can replace the nice look of wood flooring.
These materials have very similar appearance of wood, for instance; parquette flooring, laminate parquette, etc. These materials still have some amount of wood inside it.
Beside those materials, latter come other material choice. This is vinyl flooring material, which is known for its easy installation, and has many color and pattern choices. This material has wood motives, even it is made of vinyl, very likely we will not notice the different.
Each sheet of the vinyl is provided with glue on the underside, so we do not need to add glue for installation. You can install it above ceramic floor, like installing carpet. When you are bored, it can be replaced. Easy isn't it?
You can install this yourself because it is very easy, imagine doing a puzzle. Vinyl floor can be easily cleaned, too. Just by sweeping or mopping will make it clean again. There's no need to be afraid that it will be broken, because it is resistant to water and chemicals.
(picture by Nancy)
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