Creativity may conquer time and space, as what happen in this very narrow apartment design under the attic by Queeste Architecten in hague, Netherlands.

Although narrow, the use of the space is truly effective and made possible. I actually think that this design will be much better when applied in space a bit extensive and not with the sloping walls :)

They paint the entire wall with white color to make it looks wider. Indeed, then it become visually wider. With total area of 30 square meters, with sloping roof... This apartment is completed with kitchen, bathroom, bedroom and some other feature like sofa room. Used for lodging for 2 people, with complete facilities like a good hotel room. All colors are dominated by white and black colors that give modern impression, with the exception of orange colored custom sofa.

So if you have a small house, for example, 36 square meters, we can be sure that it may appear wider, visually with the right design.

via Dezeen


Designing with black and white color is implementing two basic colors. Many interior designers have used these colors with fabulous results. It is not merely a contrast color that has whole different character. White as purity and saintness, black as a symbol of calmity and sometimes; darkness.

Black and white interior designs often create fashionable and elegant design. Mixing both colors can be a fascinating mix of modern colors, because somehow these colors often represent emptiness and containess, like yin and yang.

White may give impression of clean and comfortable, while black will give an elegant impression. Both colors may be framing each other in a cool way.

Fusing black and white, we should consider some aspects, and sometimes blending the two colors can be bad if it is not planned from beginning. Black is one of the most difficult color to be placed inside interior design, unless if you are designing a cafe or bar, of course. Black can also hide details of the design.

Best way to do black and white interior design is not to use too many colors, because it may make our eyes a bit confused. A few other colors may be added as accent to the black and white colors, such as red, green, or creme.

(photo by Tammy Manet)


If you decide to use wallpaper for your home, you'll want to read this article to know more before you come to a provider of wallpaper to order the wallpaper in your home.

To use wallpaper is initially placed the paper to make decorations. Kinds of wallpapers are quite diverse and made of materials such as paper, cloth, leather, vinyl, even from the skin of plants, leaves and so forth. Various materials have their own advantages and drawbacks.

Materials from paper called 'embossed' is paper with embossed texture material that can be painted. This material is easy to clean, but not good for damp walls that can damage the wallpaper.

Cloth also quite popular because it has an attractive texture and create the effect of 'homy' a house. Texture and patterns may lead to the impression for the softness look of your room. This type is rather difficult to be cleaned and should be used to kind of rooms that are not much dusty, such as behind the TV cabinet, or behind the foyer desk. It is not recommended to be used for part of the house like stairs, etc.

Material foil or metal layer. This material is when owner like its shiny impression. This material can be easily cleaned, but requires special expertise in the installation.

Vinyl material. As a material derived from plastic, the advantage is that it is easy to clean, and have many texture variations. This option is quite suitable for bathrooms because it is water-resistant. Beside, it is also very suitable for humid areas and walls.

About the selection of pattern and decoration wallpaper.
Given the many types of wallpaper patterns and ornaments, will be very helpful when you work with interior designers, so that you will gain maximum results. As a guideline to choose, note the following points:

Wallpaper colors
Color determine the effect of the room, for example, the desired effect is 'wide' impression, we should not choose dark color. Choose from bright colors. When you have only a small room, do not choose a wallpaper with a dark color.

Large room can be 'reduced' by adding dark color on one or two walls.

Wallpaper patterns

Patterns of vertical lines will make the room appear higher, while the horizontal pattern will make the room more spacious.

Large motifs
Different motives give different impression. Motif that is big tend to make the room appear narrow, so it is not advisable to choose large pattern motif for a small room. So a small space should use small pattern design and light in color, while the large room, can use big pattern  motif with dark colors.

For installation, wallpaper providers usually have certain employees to help you install. When you buy your own and decide to install it yourself, something you should know is that usually wallpapers has adhesive like stickers. There are also wallpapers that need water to glue it, and there is also a wallpaper that do not have adhesive.

When you visit a wallpaper store provider, you can ask the following to make it more clear for you:

- Is this wallpaper suitable for my room? For example, space, the narrow, damp, or other conditions.
- Is this wallpaper waterproof?
- Is there gluten?
- is it stain resistant?
- Where should this type of wallpaper installed?


Hello. Thanks for visiting my blog. I am Beni and I am an architect and interior designer. I'd like to help you arrange your interior room by giving advice on home plan and furniture arrangement. Just drop me a message with the form below.

If you have some file attachment like photo of your room, you can send me too. All answered questions will be placed on 'free interior' category.



When entering a room with wood flooring, we might be feeling 'warm'. Wood flooring will indeed easily create warm feeling, with its color and touch. Nowadays, this material may bring similar feeling of wood for flooring.

We can not deny that wood has the pamour as 'warmer' inside a room. Unhappily, this material gets more difficult to find every day, the price also gets very high because it gets rare. As a solution, other materials can replace the nice look of wood flooring.

These materials have very similar appearance of wood, for instance; parquette flooring, laminate parquette, etc. These materials still have some amount of wood inside it. 

Beside those materials, latter come other material choice. This is vinyl flooring material, which is known for its easy installation, and has many color and pattern choices. This material has wood motives, even it is made of vinyl, very likely we will not notice the different.

Each sheet of the vinyl is provided with glue on the underside, so we do not need to add glue for installation. You can install it above ceramic floor, like installing carpet. When you are bored, it can be replaced. Easy isn't it?

You can install this yourself because it is very easy, imagine doing a puzzle. Vinyl floor can be easily cleaned, too. Just by sweeping or mopping will make it clean again. There's no need to be afraid that it will be broken, because it is resistant to water and chemicals.

(picture by Nancy)


The basic principles of good design is first to get the framework of space in its best and then to decide what we can do about it to manipulate the room, whether it is cosmetically, structurally or by other means. Designing is also about understanding how scale and balance contribute to making a room look comfortable and inviting. Sometimes it is about lighting, natural or artificial, color choosing, mixing, matching or contrasting to the best effect.
The mixtures of texture and pattern can be assembled and built up. All of these rules are essential which are dealt with in this article. Everything must be taken into consideration to bring a long lasting interior design.

How to use the space
Common problem almost everyone has today is lack of space. To change the feeling of spaciousness in a place, you do not have to change the construction. Feeling is what most important about space, not the actual footage. We sometimes find it easier to arrange small rooms than big rooms.

At the simplest level, a home that is owned, as opposed to a rental, could be improved by the elementary expedient of changing the functions of various rooms, or by altering the layout. Almost any room can be made multi purpose. A kitchen, if it is large enough, can also be used for a general eating and family room. A dining room or a guest room can also double as a study; bedrooms can always be made into ged/ sitting /work rooms just by adding appropriatae furniture. It often happens that in the reshuffle you gain an extra room.

In every house, there is usually space being wasted sowhere that can  be utilized; landing and corridor space; the area under the stairs; blank walls; odd ccorners. Used with imagination, these spaces can often relieve congestion elsewhere. The secret is to be flexible, to wuestion cinvention and to have no rigid ideas when it comes to the function of a room.


Starting color pallete for interior design for your room or home can be a daunting task. Well, you might want to start with a clean slate or adding something to an existing design. As designer of your home (or someone else' home), first we should consider color theory.

This might be elementary but it will make big impact on your interior design and that is what I do everyday when designing. First, simply use color wheel for some help. You might want to pick up one at your local art supply store for reference, it won't cost much. Every color comes from three primary colors; red, yellow and blue.

All these colors can make so many combination if they are blended together. There are 4 color schemes that we can get from these colors. they are;

  • Complementary color scheme. These are opposite colors on different sides of the color wheel. This can be very lively and exciting pallette, and you might want to use these colors for rooms that used by many people for gathering. For example: red and green.
  • Monochromatic color scheme. These colors only using one color in various shades. It is known as the 'safe' color scheme and very easy to make good combination as well as restful and peaceful effect. For example: coral, peach, light pink.
  • Analogous color scheme. This scheme uses several colors that stands next to each other on the color wheel. This generally produces a harmonious feeling and they can be mixed without clashing because they share a common color. Green, gold, orange
  • Triadic Color Scheme These three colors are equally spaced on the color wheel. They generally provide an exciting but well-balanced color scheme. This is a theme we often see in children's rooms. Pink, yellow, blue

Adding white to any of these colors will produce a tint; aka pastel. The same rules apply.

Once you have learned these basics I think you will find it easier to select colors that are pleasing to your eye and have the desired effect that is appropriate for the room!